What is an opposition to marriage? Opposition to marriage is an act whereby a person who knows of an impediment to marriage notifies the civil registrar, forbidding him or her to celebrate the marriage. When the public prosecutor has doubts about the sincerity of the planned union, he issues an... read more →
With almost 20 years' experience, TERRAVOCATS has established itself over the years as a leader in providing support for international artists and talent. Located in the very heart of Paris, in the district of the most legendary theatres and concert halls, this part of the Firm's business, which specialises in... read more →
From talent passport to talent card The transformation of France's professional immigration policy, marked by the adoption of Law no. 2024-42 of January 26, 2024, represents a significant shift in the way France views the attraction and integration of international talent. Under the aegis of President Emmanuel Macron, this law... read more →
Foreign nationals posted on official missions in France have a special status that allows them to obtain a special residence permit, based on Article 46 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24th 1963. This special residence permit issued by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs... read more →
Many French nationals want to be able to care for their aging parents who remain in their country of origin. Two options are possible for them regarding their parents right to settle down in France. Their choice will depend on whether or not their ascendants are financially dependent on... read more →
Interrupted since the 17th of March in Ile de France and since the 27th March in Paris due to the COVID-19 crisis, the french administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d'Etat) ordered to the Minister of the Interior to restore the registration of asylum applications within 5 days after the notification of... read more →
It is only very recently, and it was about time, that the french administrative Supreme Court (le Conseil d’État) ruled on 27th November 2019 (N° 422516) that the referral to the administration by electronic means could not legally be made compulsory. This decision concerned the challenge of the Prime... read more →
A couple of years ago, endless waiting lines could be observed in front of the prefectures. Today, this phenomenon is less obvious because most of Ile-de-France’s prefectures have switched to an IT system. Thus, to ask for a residence permit, foreigners have to take an appointment on the website of... read more →
Since 1 March 2019, the temporary residence permit " job seekers or business creation" has replaced the temporary 12-month non-renewable residence permit issued to graduate students. The " job seekers or business creation " residence permit is mainly intended for students and researchers who have recently graduated or are at... read more →
This Blue Card, inspired by the American "Green Card", allows nationals from non-EU countries to move, stay and work in the EU easily. This is a residence permit granted to highly qualified individuals. Origin of the project The Blue Card project for the European Union was launched... read more →
Since the entry into force of the law of 7 March 2016, foreigners who exercise the profession of artists, or are authors of a literary or artistic work, may be issued a multi-year residence permit bearing the mention "talent passport". This residence permit can be requested in France, from the... read more →
Issued since November 2016, in accordance with the Law of 7 March 2016 which created the "Talent Passport" status, the residence permit (or long-stay visa if the foreigner applies for such status while still residing in his country of origin), which is multi-yearly based on national or international reputation, it... read more →
On 19 December 2018, the European Commission called on Member States to "accelerate their preparations for all possible scenarios for leaving the United Kingdom" (Doc COM (2018) 890 final, 19 Dec. 2018). On the French side, the legislator (Act No. 2019-30 of 19 January 2019) has decided to authorise the... read more →
Launched at the end of 2013 by the government, "French Tech" is aimed at all those who work for French start-ups, in France or abroad. This initiative is linked with the departments of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, but also with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the General... read more →
In application of the 7th march 2016 law creating the “Passeport Talent” status, and effective since the month of November 2016, the multi annual resident permit (or long stay visa if you apply in your country of origin) is based on the national or international reputation of the applicant: “10° For... read more →
Nantes’ Administrative Appeals Court judged that the Interior Ministry could reject a request for naturalization on the sole grounds that the claimant had recourse to surrogacy in his/her country of origin. Naturalization and surrogacy are not compatible, even when surrogacy is authorized in the country of origin! In this particular... read more →
The EU citizen and family benefit from the right to stay and seek work on EU grounds even in the case of sudden and involuntary loss of his/her independent professional activity (CJUE, Gusa, 20 décembre 2017, aff. C-442/16) The question of « involuntary unemployment » has been answered by the Luxembourg court... read more →
The law enforced on the 7th of march 2016 establishes a multiannual special entrepreneurship residence permit « Talent Passport » which can benefit « a category of talented foreigners whose experience and qualification should be recognized » (circulaire of the 2 november 2016 and article L. 313-20 à L. 313-24 of the CESEDA).... read more →